One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Be Equipped for God's Call on Your Life.

通过保守的神学训练和以教会为中心的经历,为事工预备你的心智. Be equipped with the biblical knowledge and practical skills to serve God, 他的教会, 借着教导来教导他的百姓, 惩罚, 关怀的事工.

Pursue your vocational calling in biblical and theological studies.

Choose Your Area of Study in Biblical and Theological Studies



沙巴体育, you will build a theological foundation that becomes the basis for your practical ministry. 教授不仅会在学术上指导你,还会在属灵上指导你,让你为以福音为中心的教会服务做好准备. Become equipped to pursue God's calling for your life. 




Take the next step in your preparation for ministry. Discover our graduate programs that are wholly committed to teaching the Word of God, 坚持大使命, and equipping the next generation of leaders for the local church.


Students studying a text with a professor.


作为一名沙巴体育的学生, you will complete a Bible minor as part of your general education coursework. 圣经辅修课程由五门课程组成,这些课程将教导你圣经的内容和正确解释圣经的技巧. 你会得到扩展,把神的话语沙巴体育到你特定的研究领域和生活的方方面面.




Enrich your knowledge of Scripture with a single academic year of intensive study. 通过正式的圣经学习, 你将面临个人挑战,加深你对圣经神学的理解,并成为你的教会或副教会组织中更有效的参与者.


School of Biblical and Theological Studies Quick Facts

  • 174 本科生
  • 100% 工作/研究生安置
  • 6 学位课程
  • 27 教员

所有的新生都被分配了a 教师顾问 to help you make the most of your 1,000 days.

Adults in warm clothes outside talking.Female reading outdoors on steps by the lake.桌子上的Torah卷轴.

Studying Bible and 神学 in a Liberal Arts Setting

The uniqueness of preparing for ministry at Cedarville is that there is a consistent focus on God’s Word and the Christian life throughout 校园. As a School of Biblical and Theological Studies major, your ministry preparation will be enhanced by godly professors in other disciplines who will teach their disciplines from a biblical perspective.

Through this liberal arts approach, you will gain training in other fields that can enhance your ministry, allowing you to have a broader impact for Christ. 在你的圣经学院 Theological Studies courses, you will dig deeply into the Bible and be prepared for Christian ministry.

“任务 is not the ultimate goal of the church. 敬拜是. 任务 exists because worship doesn't. 敬拜是 ultimate, not missions, because God is ultimate, not man. 当这个时代结束, and the countless millions of the redeemed fall on their faces before the throne of God, 任务将不复存在. 这是暂时的需要. 惟有敬拜永远长存.”

— John Piper, Let the Nations be Glad



沙巴体育的圣经研究专业提供了一个强大的核心课程,提供对圣经的深刻理解. 你将配备圣经研究和文科核心最强的组合. To enhance your professional preparation, 您将选择一个浓度来定制您的学位,以适应您个人的事工兴趣和目标.



“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, 的责备, 为校正, 并在公义上受训练, that the man of God may be complete, 预备行各样的善事.”

——提摩太后书3:16-17 (ESV)





“Let us give in and yield our assent to the authority of Holy Scripture, which knows not how either to be deceived or to deceive.”



Make God's Word central to everything.

Every student, regardless of major, completes a Bible minor. 我们辅修的五门圣经课程将扩展你从圣经的角度来思考神和他的世界, challenging you to apply Scripture to all aspects of your life.

Delve into the powerful teaching of God's Word now with 圣经辅修课程a free resource that makes Cedarville's Bible minor curriculum available to all.

Students studying a text with a professor.

"If you are ignorant of God's Word, you will always be ignorant of God’s will."



Deepen your knowledge of God's Word.

为期一年的圣经课程是为那些希望通过一学年的深入学习而获得更多圣经知识的个人设计的. 通过正式的圣经学习,您将丰富个人,并对圣经神学有更深的理解, equipping you to be a more effective participant in your church or parachurch organization.



— D.A. 卡森

Dean - School of Biblical and Theological Studies



Dean, School of Biblical and Theological Studies; Assistant Professor of New Testament and Greek

圣经和神学研究学院为基督徒的生活和事工训练学生学习圣经. It is an honor to serve with world-class faculty who are experts in their fields of study, passionate about 惩罚 students, and thoroughly committed to the local church. 通过圣经辅修课程, 我们致力于训练所有雪松维尔学生学习圣经的内容和正确的解释. Through our undergraduate majors and graduate programs, we provide exceptional biblical training for ministry.”



——以赛亚书66:2b (ESV)

Additional Opportunities for Growth


Engage with ministry organizations as you seek to multiply your impact for Christ:

Theta Alpha Kappa 是承认宗教和神学学生学术成就的国家宗教研究和神学荣誉协会吗. TAK也提供奖学金, 友谊比赛, and publishes superior student papers in their periodical, Theta Alpha Kappa的杂志.

Chi 是否有组织透过祷告鼓励学生进入青年事工, 奖学金, 和服务.



Supplement the world-class instruction you will receive in the classroom!

准备好建立人际关系,并在当地教会全职服事, 任务的机构, 还有很多副教会事工.